BOI: Who Needs to File and What You Need to Know

David Senawi
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Beneficial Ownership Information: Who Needs to File?

Have you heard murmurs about "beneficial ownership information" and wondered if it applies to you or your business? Fear not, for this blog aims to unravel the mystery and answer the crucial question: Who needs to file beneficial ownership information?

Think of beneficial ownership information (BOI) as shining a light on the individuals who ultimately control a company. This transparency helps combat financial crime, money laundering, and other shady activities that often hide behind layers of shell companies and complex ownership structures.

So, who exactly needs to file this information? Buckle up, as we navigate the key players involved:

1. Reporting Companies:

The core group responsible for filing BOI reports are reporting companies. These are entities registered to do business in the United States, falling into two categories:

  • Domestic Reporting Companies: These are businesses formed or registered in the US, including corporations, LLCs, partnerships, and certain trusts.
  • Foreign Reporting Companies: These are businesses registered outside the US but operating in the US through branches or subsidiaries.

2. Exemptions:

Not all companies fall under the reporting umbrella. Here are some key exemptions:

  • Public Companies: Companies already subject to extensive public reporting requirements, like those listed on major stock exchanges, are generally exempt.
  • Certain Non-Profits: Religious organizations, government entities, and other non-profits meeting specific criteria are exempt.
  • Inactive Companies: Entities not conducting business or have dissolved are exempt.

3. Timing is Key:

The deadline for filing your initial BOI report depends on when your company was formed or registered:

  • For companies existing before January 1, 2024: The deadline to file is January 1, 2025.
  • For companies formed or registered on or after January 1, 2024: You have 90 calendar days after receiving notice of your company's creation or registration to file.
4. What Information Needs to be Filed?

BOI reports require reporting companies to disclose details about their beneficial owners. These individuals ultimately own or control 25% or more of the company's ownership interests or voting power. For each beneficial owner, you'll need to provide:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Driver's License, Passport, or other ID number

5. Resources and Support:

Filing BOI reports might seem daunting, but fear not! Resources are available to guide you through the process:

  • FinCEN Website: The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) offers a dedicated BOI webpage with FAQs, guides, and tutorials:
  • Compliance Professionals: Seek assistance from lawyers, accountants, or other compliance professionals specializing in BOI reporting.

Remember: Filing BOI information is crucial for promoting transparency and combating financial crime. By understanding who needs to file and the key details involved, you can ensure your company complies with the regulations and plays its part in building a more secure financial system.

Want to learn more? Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts diving deeper into specific aspects of BOI reporting, like navigating exemptions, understanding beneficial ownership structures, and the importance of accurate filing.

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